
Your Gateway to Spatial Solutions

    All posts in Consultancy

    • Digital Elevation Models

      DEMER Solutions specializes in the creation of various digital elevation models using satellite imagery. Whether you need contour maps, modelling services, or

    • Classification

      ClassificationClassification groups image pixels into classes based on spectral and spatial traits. Valuable data, like land cover and features, are extracted from

    • Change Detection

      Change DetectionWe specialize in providing cutting-edge solutions for change detection allowing our clients the ability to detect and monitor changes on the

    • Image Processing

      Image ProcessingMost types of raw satellite imagery require some type of geometric correction or rectification so that the image corresponds to real-world

    • Spectral Analysis

      Spectral AnalysisSatellites use diverse wavelengths to reveal unseen wonders. Multispectral/hyperspectral imagery provides valuable insights for vegetation, minerals, and more. Revealing the unseen: